Are you able to see the BBC Hindi site properly?
If not, have a look at the Indlinux packages. There is also a font package available, which has some of the fonts listed in the font list.
Once you have installed these packages, you should be able to search devanagari terms and get search results in devanagari, in fact browse any site in devanagari.
You would need to install one of the fonts, see the websites section for installation instructions. To send mail in devanagari, I use Balsa. Be sure to have the right version of balsa though. Version 2.0.2+ would work. Here's a screenshot with Redhat 8. I also use Evolution on Fedora Core 4.
Again :) , you would need to install one of the fonts, see the websites section for installation instructions. To post and read usenet messages, I use the Pan newsreader, here's a screenshot from Redhat 8. Have successfully installed enabled indic on Fedora core 4 without much effort, so please feelfree to ask at this mailing list, or at the Indlinux lists .
Great! There's lot to do, examples.
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